Dear Reader,
Glad to have fun to share my nerd to all.I don't know wut's happen next, wut i mean in future with FS.Meanwhile, heaven are so close but hell juz round there..har..har..har..
Today, as u can guess...juz "lepaking" at Akses Room for a halfday n in de evening gone to lab comp..Not doing so much work indeed because of confusing and blur with the tasks.Wooohooo!!Student very nakal..hahaha!!ini la ni bila's still alrite n juz nice!masi under control...x jg la nakal sgt...1 things , i start to like the environment there.But, still can't guess wut will happen a few weeks after dis..
Not bad owh i juz learn new way of ICT to prevent changing background of pc.Thanks to sifu in SKPM , keliwon Transformasi San...Na, ii desu ne....taihen shinsetsu soshite sugoi in ICT..Gambate!!Still many to learn...
Back to the tasks,it's a simplty simple bout to disable the changing background at properties n inside the picture document...muzukashii....ble2 la..:)...=P
The right choice
13 years ago
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